
Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Digimon Rumble Arena 2

Kind: 2D Fighting Link (s): hotfile | upload | to rapidshare This more recent Digimon Rumble Arena will contain the same one marks of fight in 2D, like its predecessore. Than 40 more various Digimon monster will be giocabili, everyone with own detail, moves only. One moves using the company will make you to earn digipoints, that it is possible to use for digivolve and destroying your adversaries. The present personages will be from all the four seasons of the series cartoon Digimon, between which many secrets, sbloccabili Digimon.

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Nb: Saya tidak bertanggung jawab atas kesalahan atau kerusakan game ini. karena, saya hanya mencarikan bukan mengunggah. trims!

Semoga bermanfaat!
Salam TYZ!

6 komentar:

  1. Gan ini Game Digimon harus d download smua dari 1~13 aatau cuman perlu 1 ajah?

  2. Semuanya lah... eittss.. tapi ingat ya! ane belum coba tuh!

  3. ini game PC ada ISO game PS 2 nya ??

  4. maaf salah ketik...
    maksudnya ini game PC atau ISO game PS 2 nya?
